Friday, February 22, 2013


These are my three photos I took, and some of my favorite. Here I wanted to begin with the innovation of technology and also future soon technology. Like in my third photo, I tried to show that future technology that is often seen in movies where there is only a display. In my first image I wanted to show the way of playing games and buying them and showing how that will become mainstream in the coming years. The iPad photo is sort of trying to show the unique designs often showed in Apple's products. I am thinking of going to past technologies and the next couple of days to show opposite of this.


  1. Please spell check before you post. Please fix the spelling errors in your writing. Your first two photos are the most interesting due to the extreme eye level. How can you go beyond showcasing a product in your future images? Also, you were supposed to have 5 images total. I'd like to see more complexity in your photos for next week.

  2. I feel your photos seem really good the bootom photo makes me feel its like something that a store will have to promote electronic device. You have good lighting as well . I like your pictures so far. Keep it up , hope to see more of this type of photos . You may want to search some editing tutorials online so you can creat it more interested eye views to people.

  3. Your photos really capture the different types of technologies that we use and how we use them. Each one of your photos has great lighting and they look like you are promoting them. I like the angle and the eye level you took the first two photos in, it makes them look interesting.
